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Canon Tell us about your Canon PowerShot G12!


Canon PowerShot G12, 21.5mm @ f/4.0, 1/30, ISO 3200

I have redone the development of this shot. If one applies strong noise reduction, the picture will loose details. If you apply only little noise reduction, you will have more details but the picture will be rather noisy. Thus I tried to develop one version with very strong noise reduction and one version with an amount of noise reduction, such that there are enough details. I saved both versions as TIFFs and made two layers in Photoshop with 50% transparency. Now the details are still there, but the noise seems to be better than before. I am very sure, that this technique can still be improved, but I am happy that I have found this technique. I want to mention, that I have used the Kodak T-Max P3200 preset for the sharp and noisier version and the less contrasty preset Ilford HP5+ for the version with strong noise reduction.
Christian, thank you for sharing your techniques. If only I had Photoshop. I've actually been fooling around with Nik's Define to deal with some very "noisy" low light, hand held shots...but I digress and I am a total neophyte.

I think your process has worked out very well with this picture.
BB, I own only Photoshop Elements 9, which is a fine program and costs not that much. I don't use it as much as I thought, but there are some situations, when it is really fine. In this case I have to admit, that the difference is not very big, but it can still be seen easily.
Since I just happen to have read one of our members is now the proud owner of one of these Canon PowerShot G12 , I thought I'd start this thread off as a bit of encouragement.😃

I acquired my G12 a few days ago following a long search for what I considered to be THE camera for what I wanted to do. I enjoy shooting landscapes (day and night) and also a few macro shots. I was struggling to find an advanced compact that had old fashioned dials and buttons instead of features buried in menus..... then I discovered the G12 which on paper seemed ideal and I have to say in reality it lives up to all the praise I have read.

Heres what I love about this camera:

1. The ISO, EV & mode dials. They are just great to use, quick, simple and enable you to see instantly what setting you are using.

2. The swivel LCD monitor. Having a swivel monitor in my opinion is a must, particularly in the midday sun because being able to vary the angle both horizontally and vertically eliminates the glare and reflection problem and enables you to shoot from a low angle without having to lie on the ground. Its just a case of crouching down, adjusting the monitor so you can see and shooting.

3. The electronic level. I absolutely love this feature. It works so well and easily. Again it comes into its own when shooting at low angles. All you have to do is adjust the monitor so you can see, tilt the camera until you see the green bar and click!

4. Manual focusing. This works really well. My first experience of using it was at night so that says alot. I was shooting a very old stately home that is now an hotel using just moonlight and a few outside garden lights. Granted I was shooting at infinity so it was a case of rotating the rear dial to the infinity mark but I could see in the magnified centre box that it was in focus.

So far I am very pleased with this camera and I think it is THE camera or me having started in the days of film using rangefinder and SLR cameras then after a 25 year break moving onto a Nikon D5000 DSLR which I found difficult. Moving down to an advanced compact has been the best thing I have done. The G12 with its lovely dials and buttons has as much creativity as a DSLR but in a much smaller body with no cumbersome lenses to lug around and I cant see me ever going back to a DSLR.
Congratulations Martin!!:drinks: Thanks so much for sharing your impressions now that you're a proud owner. Can't wait to see your photographs and hear how your relationship with the G12 grows!
Excellent! That one, in particular, of the Perigee Moon at Rhinefield House is out of this world!:bravo-009:

Martin, if you'd like I'd suggest that you embed your photos via Flickr: https://www.photographerslounge.org/f17/how-post-images-forum-threads-45/ scroll down to post #2 and you'll see a screen shot that show's how easy it is to do it. It would also be great if you wanted to add your Flickr photo stream as a link in your signature line - you can do that via your User Control Panel.

I'm so glad that your G12 is working out so well for you. Your daffodil close up made me smile! We're not quite at that stage here in New York, yet...but soon!
If you've been following my profile since I've been at SC, you may have noticed I was trying to find a bridge/compact replacement for my beloved G10 (RIP). Worked my way through a couple others and finally bought a used G12 here! Why I didn't just run out at buy a G12 right away is beyond me....

I'm as much in love with the G12 as I was with the G10. Being without a G for a couple of months, my imagination said I was going to be put off by the weight (heavy) and size (larger than anything else I'd tried) when I received it. Not at all. I think since I have some shaky hand issues and small hands (even for a woman), the weight is to my advantage ins steadying the camera. The size and controls location is just perfect for me. The IQ is what I expected. I should have more time this weekend to play and will be taking both the G12 and my 60D on a 2500 mile road trip in a couple of weeks. I am happy.
Well, my G12 will be put to the test. My 60D is still at Canon in repair with no change in status. Not thinking it will arrive before I leave on my trip Friday morning so my G12 will be the only camera I'll have with me. Good news is I'll just be packing my Crumpler 2 instead of the 5 and just my old Ultrapod. Hoping the leaves are still changing in the Colorado Rockies!
Well, my G12 will be put to the test. My 60D is still at Canon in repair with no change in status. Not thinking it will arrive before I leave on my trip Friday morning so my G12 will be the only camera I'll have with me. Good news is I'll just be packing my Crumpler 2 instead of the 5 and just my old Ultrapod. Hoping the leaves are still changing in the Colorado Rockies!

Looking forward to seeing what you do 🙂 the G series has certainly been an excellent one.
That picture is so stunning!BTW I got my first shot yesterday! Just got my first.