Thanks for the welcome BBW. The auto white balance in tungsten light issues still remain, but am getting around it.
Vincechu, I get the same video banding that you are mentioning. It is far more prominent and appears very easily than on some other P&S cameras I have used.
I recently used the camera at a conference shooting it as a second video camera. Putting the video together, but having tested the video output, it is very much usable for my purposes.
Will put up some photos and videos shortly. Happy to help out with any requests people have of wanting to see images and tests from the camera.
Vincechu, I get the same video banding that you are mentioning. It is far more prominent and appears very easily than on some other P&S cameras I have used.
I recently used the camera at a conference shooting it as a second video camera. Putting the video together, but having tested the video output, it is very much usable for my purposes.
Will put up some photos and videos shortly. Happy to help out with any requests people have of wanting to see images and tests from the camera.