Animals The Animal Kingdom: wild or domestic!


Canton Texas


A load of bullocks. Jpeg sooc via my ipad. No pp at all. Just making excuses for it not looking as good as the others!

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Peter, I love, love love your windswept friend who won't let a little breeze interfere with a good snack! I'm trying to remember what breed he or she is?

Dave, now that's the kind of "on the beat" style I'd like if I were an officer of the law.:cloud-9-039:

EBC Wilson, I've never ever thought of you as a goat - but I am very fond of goats...and this one looks like a Nubian, which is one of my favorites.:th_salute:

Bandrews, no apologies needed for your herd - one of the reasons I hanker after an iPad is for its simplicity of editing and uploading. Very nice!
Thanks for your kind words. I think it is a Scottish Highlander. I may be wrong though. I also commented to your comment at Flickr and included some other photos, also of wild horses. These were taken with the D800E (with an old 70-210 lens) so I can't add them here.

Peter, I love, love love your windswept friend who won't let a little breeze interfere with a good snack! I'm trying to remember what breed he or she is?
Similar to Peter's Calloway Cattle, here's a Scottish Highlander, on a small semi-natural island in one of the busiest riverways of Europe (the Meuse in Rotterdam). It's part of an experiment where I'm trying to create full-sized stitched panoramas (with shallow DOF if I want) using a single quick sweep in continuous drive mode to minimize subject movement between shots - more explanation at Experiment: high-speed version of Brenizer method


Experiment: high-speed version of Brenizer method by bartjeej, on Flickr
Thanks Bart for mentioning the right name of the animal in my photo, which was also definitely a Scottish Highlander! I looked for the name combined with this area and the wrong name showed up! Must have be part of the same experiment as yours (I live a bit further up north).

Nice photographic experiment too.


Similar to Peter's Calloway Cattle, here's a Scottish Highlander, on a small semi-natural island in one of the busiest riverways of Europe (the Meuse in Rotterdam). It's part of an experiment where I'm trying to create full-sized stitched panoramas (with shallow DOF if I want) using a single quick sweep in continuous drive mode to minimize subject movement between shots - more explanation at Experiment: high-speed version of Brenizer method
I thought they had some kind of Scots background!:bravo-009: There's something very appealing about them. Perhaps it's that the remind me of giant stuffed animals...the cuddly kind. I think I've spotted some around my new neck of the woods up here in northwestern Connecticut.

Very nice lighting, Bart!