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Fuji The Fujifilm X-Pro2: 115 X-Pert Tips is finally available


Hall of Famer
The wait is over: "The Fujifilm X-Pro2: 115 X-Pert Tips" is now available in eBook format. And the printed version isn't far away, either.

Please click the link below to get it in three DRM-free formats (PDF, iBooks/ePub, Kindle/MOBI), all for the price of one book. Then add coupon code XPERT40 to get an additional discount of 40%.

Thank you for your patience. And yes, a book on the X-T2 is in the making, too.

The Fujifilm X-Pro2 –

Enjoy the read!
Hi Rico,

May I ask you a few silly questions?

(Answer: of course Adam, everyone else does in Fuji land, why should you be any different? 🙂 )

So natural live view, makes the EVF and the histogram act like DR400 has been manually set.

Would natural LV therefore make the histogram quite beneficial for RAW shooters?

So for example, it's recommended to set HT and ST to -2 to make the histogram more akin to the DR of RAW

Would the natural LV achieve the same effect, because it shows you more leeway in the highlights, whilst still indicating where shadows would cut to black?

Does enabling natural LV also apply to the histogram when using the OVF?

Other than the refresh rate of the EVF, does high performance mode have any other advantages? (Fuji claim the same AF times in both standard and high performance mode for example)

Thanks in advance!
No, it makes it useless for RAW shooters. That's covered in the book, of course, because it's an important point.

That's why we use the good old "JPEG settings for RAW shooters" in the Pro2, not the NLV. So that's a real difference compared with the X-T1 etc. I usually put those setting on C7 for quick access. C1 contains my standard cameras settings.

The histogram shouldn't change between OVF and EVF. It does change in the ERF when zoomed in, which I consider a bug.

AF is faster in HP mode. No real need to consult the manual here, because everybody can immediately feel it when they try it. Fuji has some conflicting statements out there. Business as usual.
No, it makes it useless for RAW shooters. That's covered in the book, of course, because it's an important point.

That's why we use the good old "JPEG settings for RAW shooters" in the Pro2, not the NLV. So that's a real difference compared with the X-T1 etc. I usually put those setting on C7 for quick access. C1 contains my standard cameras settings.

The histogram shouldn't change between OVF and EVF. It does change in the ERF when zoomed in, which I consider a bug.

AF is faster in HP mode. No real need to consult the manual here, because everybody can immediately feel it when they try it. Fuji has some conflicting statements out there. Business as usual.

Thanks very much

FWIW I consider the ERF zoom/histogram thing to be a bug too, also the slower AF when using ERF!!

iirc (and that's a big if) Fuji claim AF/lag is the same between standard (not economy) and HP mode, but you're saying its not?

I'm enjoying my time with the XP2, very much, and I look forward to writing about it on my website.