The foolish thing about geographic areas that are considering the permanent adoption of DST...Permanent DST results in children leaving for school before light of day in late Fall/early Winter! Coaches object and say permanent Standard time makes after-school practices end very close to dark; but is it not of greater importance that ALL students are safer going to school in the morning, whether they take a school bus or walk?!
Examples using current practices of Standard Time winter, DST summer, using mid-winter and late spring (during school year) Dec. 20 and May 20. Current practice shown in Boldface,
Bangor ME
Dec 20 Sunrise:
7:09am EST, 8:09 EDT
Dec 20 Sunset:
3:57pm EST, 4:57 EDT
May 20 Sunrise: 3:49am EST,
4:49am EDT
May 20 Sunset 7:25pm EST,
8:25pm EDT
Permanent DST means that Bangor children are heading off to school before sunrise in late December!
Permanent Standard Time poses an issue mid-winter for coaches, but mid-winter in Bangor is hardly conducive to outdoor sports.
Minot ND
Dec 20 Sunrise:
8:33am CST, 9:33 CDT
Dec 20 Sunset:
4:53pm CST, 5:53 CDT
May 20 Sunrise: 4:59am CST,
5:59am CDT
May 20 Sunset 8:25pm CST,
9:25pm CDT
Permanent DST means that Minot children are heading off to school before sunrise in late December!
Permanent Standard Time poses an issue mid-winter for coaches, but mid-winter in Minot is hardly conducive to outdoor sports.
San Jose, CA
Dec 20 Sunrise:
7:17am PST, 8:17 PDT
Dec 20 Sunset:
4:53pm PST, 5:53 PDT
May 20 Sunrise: 4:54am PST,
5:54am PDT
May 20 Sunset 7:14pm PST,
8:14pm PDT
Permanent DST means that San Jose children are heading off to school before sunrise in late December!
Permanent Standard Time poses an issue mid-winter for coaches, but is that not less of an issue than the one of safety of children walking to school in the dark in Winter?!
Permanent Standard time makes more overall sense than permanent DST....ALL kids go to school, only SOME kids have after-school sports to practice.
The European outlook on this same topic would be welcome, to learn the perspective on the continent and across the Channel.