You know Kathy, I'm not quite sure how to articulate what I think the Leica look is but it seems there's sort of a three dimensional quality about the photos. I don't want to sound as though I've gulped the whole pitcher of Kool-Aid down quite yet because I know we can all point to images made by other cameras that give us this feeling. As a matter of fact I think the photo of mine you might be referring to of
my sleeping daughter was actually taken with an E-P2, but I thank you for the real compliment regarding the photo no matter which camera was used in its making. I happen to love it, but I am extremely prejudiced.
I feel as though the Leica look may have to do with a combination of things, from the tones to the quality of light that the sensor and lens pick up that can give us the opportunity of bringing it all together for "the look". The three dimensions part seems a biggie to me, however I am not sure if I have enough miles to speak with much authority. I know that with today's digital photos that software can and does come into play, too.
I think your first one has what I'd call a particularly strong Leica look to it. Maybe it's the glints of light reflecting off the glassware, the men's rings, their eye glasses, the leather, the bald head of the gesticulating fellow in part but there's, to me anyway, a really strong feeling that makes me feel as though I am just on the outside of this scene...almost with my nose pressed up against the glass. It definitely has that 3D thing going on for me.
The second one has it a little less for me maybe because it's a less varied photo tonally speaking and there's not so much light at play, though we do see it nicely on those bicycle spokes and wheels and on the car. I do sense the depth but not as strongly in this one.
I have a feeling that that "Leica look" is something that comes together when we have done something especially "right" with the camera and our own vision. Let's face it, getting an exposure down does help...but I can still think of some of my own where the exposure is way off and yet, I still see a certain something... I'm probably rambling a bit now.
Maybe it's better if we can't define the Leica look but we can know it when we see it?