To-day (2/5/23) - Cold n dull.. Was out for about 20minutes...
Rosebush well beaten up by last nights rain storm..
View attachment 384964
Heavy rain clouds.. (Merced, Central Valley, Ca)
View attachment 384967
Thanks for the contribution - appreciated. One shot only, though ... That's how the challenge works. You can edit your post and put the other one elsewhere. The roses tell the main story IMO - but I find the other shot very good, too.

It's so beautiful, Karen... Would this happen to be a 'Milk snake'?
The ranger said it was a Sonoran Mountain King Snake. I'm no snake expert. Today I almost stood on a rattlesnake. He was sun bathing on the path in front of me as I turned the corner. I didn't get a clear picture of him though as we both ran/slithered away as quick as we could in opposite directions. By the time I recovered from my fright the rattlesnake was hiding under a bush. He was much bigger than I thought he would be.