Okay, apart from today's shots, this is going to be "the kit" post.
I have with me four cameras, three digital, one film:
- Canon G1X III - 24-75mm equivalent, light, small, weather-resistant; the camera I carry if I'm *not* out shooting - convenience!
- Panasonic GX80 - with Olympus 14-150mm II, the "long lens" (well, you get it ...), and Laowa 7.5mm f/2 for those super-wide shot; versatility!
- Leica M10 with Summicron-M 50mm f/2, Elmarit-M 28mm f/2.8 (pre-ASPH), Elmarit-M 90mm f/2.8 - my "serious" kit.
btw. I also carry a small Leica to

adapter; the most intriguing combination is the 90mm.
- Leica M4-P with Voigtländer 35mm f/1.4 Nokton Classic and 21mm f/4 Pancake - my film kit; of course, it can exchange lenses with the M10.
Films: Kodak Ektar 100, Ilford HP5+, Agfa APX 100 and Agfa Vista 200.
So far, the saying that the camera doesn't make the image but the photographer does certainly rings true - it's not as if all shots from the Leica are keepers (specifically, I seem to be having trouble composing with 28mm so far - I'll hang in there). We'll see how it goes - so far, I'm not regretting my choices (even though I might have left one of the two extra/super-wides at home - I could probably do without the 21mm, but there are lots coming up - we'll see if I ever dig it out).
For post-processing and posting on the go, I'm using and old Chromebook (Acer C720) and Polarr, so don't expect super-accurate and inspired work in that respect; Polarr has many limitations, one of which is that it usually does use the embedded JPEG instead of the real RAW file (though not for Leica's DNGs!); in the case of files from the Panasonic, that's a smallish file (FullHD instead of full resolution), so I can't really crop in, but I don't like doing that anyway. In case of the Canon and the Leica, the files are full resolution - nice and versatile (Canon has the edge over Leica here, actually). Of course, I don't have anyway near as much latitude as I would with true RAW processing, but the Curves tool in particular works really well and helps a lot with making the files pop (colour correction is also nice enough).
So, back to the images. Yesterday evening wasn't particularily spectacular, but one cloud was interesting enough.
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Today, I shot some more in the Cairngorms - this time, I tried to change my approach a bit, to concentrate on detail as well man's presence.
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There's a sort of lush minimalism you can find everywhere - it's sparse, it's repetitive, but it's very, very beatiful - and gratifying.
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But in the end, I found another opportunity to "take it all in", so to speak (even though this is with a 28mm-e).
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Interestingly, none of the shots from the Leica worked equally well for conveying what I saw; I may have overdone the "artistic" aspect - from now on, I'll just shoot, it's a camera, after all (it's said to be quintessential - it should be simple to use it that way). Only after arriving in Inverness, I was able to walk around with a sufficiently relaxed attitude ...
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