Ah, okay - gosh, sorry for being so thick about things. Yes, that's just how things are ...
I use Firefox as well. So, to keep track of all relevant alerts (usually, "mentioned" and "quoted") that are still open, you could:
- Open the list by hovering over the notification icon;
- use right-click on all alerts you want to follow, then open the referenced posts in new tabs.
- look at them at your leisure.
Alternatively, and maybe more securely for the time being, you can open list
page by
clicking on the notification icon. While it's a bit imposing, that list is static (until you reload the page, at least), so it's basically impossible to lose the state by accidently moving the cursor of the drop-down list; the script behind it then resets the counter and the list ...
Most notifications ("alerts") concern new posts in watched threads, anyway (some of us have just talked about this in another thread), and that can make it pretty long and of little use, especially if there have been several new posts to a thread you watch. It's
much easier to just use the "What's new" list and just scroll through that, looking for threads your interested in. That's why I stopped "watching" threads completely. Furthermore, clicking on a listed thread in the "What's new" list will drop you neatly into the thread at the point after which new posts wait for you - that's way more convenient than having to browse through the notifications, however well curated your "Watched threads" list may be. The only way that may be even more convenient is to only watch a very select number of threads, ignore notifications and enter the forum via the "Watched threads" link (you'd need to bookmark that). But I'm not sure if you would enter the threads at the right place ... Maybe worth a try for you.