Feedback Two questions, possible suggestions

Bill in Texas

Two questions. Is there a setting for eliminating an alert once it is clicked on? Is there a setting for viewing the first new post since a member's last visit on a thread? If the answer in no, is it a possibility? I am enjoying Cameraderie but those two items would make for smoother navigating. Thanks for this section to allow for this type of post.
Bill, if you enter the site via "What's new" (top left) or click on it immediately after arriving, you'll see a list of threads that have been posted to since you last viewed the site.

But be aware that you have to first use "Mark forums read" once (top left, below "Members"): You're a new user, what you haven't yet read - is practically everything.

After that, the procedure is: Visit the site, go to "What's new", view all posts you're interested in, click on "Mark forums read", and you'll be able to stay up to date.


Clicking on any link in the "What's New" list will take you to the frist post you haven't seen in any thread.

As for individual members, you can click on any member's name in the "Members" list, then go to "Postings" via the menu in the member's personal page. But that's rather tedious, and I don't think it's what you wanted.

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What kind of behavior are you seeing? If you get alert and click on it you should see the content from the alert and then it should not be shown as a new alert again.
True. The notifications tell you about reactions and private messages received - clicking on the icons will show a list for you to see, second click takes you to the full list with clickable links (if needed - I hardly ever do that; right-clicking links in the first list is enough for me.); after viewing either list, the alert signals are gone, as Kevin said.

What kind of behavior are you seeing? If you get alert and click on it you should see the content from the alert and then it should not be shown as a new alert again.
Kevin, I see the alert, click on it and it remains in the list when I return to the list. Should it be gone? The list doesn't change. @MoonMind also.
@Bill in Texas As the guys mentioned, once you view an alert it does remain in the list for a little bit but it eventually drops off after X amount of time. It's a convenient way of seeing your recent alerts.

If you have no new alerts then the little 'bell' symbol with a lighter grey color (exact color will vary based on which theme is being used, mobile vs desktop, etc.). If you have any new alerts then the bell symbol with have a small red 'chip' displayed with a number; the number is the number of new alerts you have. Clicking on the bell shows you your alerts in descending date/time order so new alerts at the top of the list (should stand out a bit) with your recent older alerts below. When you do that the red chip will go away but if you click the bell again you'll see the list of recent alerts.

If you don't have any alerts at all for a period of time [which I totally forget the value of at the moment] the list will start dropping off from the bottom till it's just an empty drop-down.

Alert Example.jpg
Join to see EXIF info for this image (if available)

At the bottom of the drop-down there's also a few choices... you can view a page with all of your alerts (descending order), mark all of your alerts as read, or go to your member account preferences page from where can you change the options on how alerts are handled.
I am still uncertain as to how the alerts work. I did these two but combined screen shots. The only alert I had clicked on was for the "Birds in Flight" thread. When I went back to the alerts to go to another, the "Show birds" were all shown as read though I had not clicked on any of them. Do these show read per forum category and per the individual threads?


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I am still uncertain as to how the alerts work. I did these two but combined screen shots. The only alert I had clicked on was for the "Birds in Flight" thread. When I went back to the alerts to go to another, the "Show birds" were all shown as read though I had not clicked on any of them. Do these show read per forum category and per the individual threads?
Threads get marked as read if you access them; if you go via "What's new", you'll get dropped into the thread at the point you'll find new posts. If you go to the thread via the subforum list, you'll have to chose the page, and once you'll hit the thread, it'll get marked as read.

Hope this helps.

@MoonMind Matt, that is what I'm saying. The "Show Birds" thread wasn't accessed but after accessing the "Flight" thread, those showed read when I looked at alerts again. That isn't how it is supposed to work I assume? Thanks.
@MoonMind Matt, that is what I'm saying. The "Show Birds" thread wasn't accessed but after accessing the "Flight" thread, those showed read when I looked at alerts again. That isn't how it is supposed to work I assume? Thanks.
That's strange indeed, yes. And I can't explain it. If it does happen again, something's amiss (though as to what, no idea). Depending on what browser you use, you might want to check open tabs - in Brave (on mobile), tabs from the last session are remembered and called up immediately on launching the browser. But I'm not aware of that happening on the desktop as well (unless configured), so yes, I think it's something happening on the forum software side ...

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@MoonMind Matt, here is a screenshot of the alerts. I logged in, went to alerts and chose your reply here as the first one to read which is below those shown. The ones shown were all unread. If you notice my return to alerts, there are two shown to be unread and the rest shown to be read which I had not gone to. Two next to each other were by the same user, MiguelATF, one read, one unread. Really odd.


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Ah, okay - gosh, sorry for being so thick about things. Yes, that's just how things are ...

I use Firefox as well. So, to keep track of all relevant alerts (usually, "mentioned" and "quoted") that are still open, you could:
  • Open the list by hovering over the notification icon;
  • use right-click on all alerts you want to follow, then open the referenced posts in new tabs.
  • look at them at your leisure.
Alternatively, and maybe more securely for the time being, you can open list page by clicking on the notification icon. While it's a bit imposing, that list is static (until you reload the page, at least), so it's basically impossible to lose the state by accidently moving the cursor of the drop-down list; the script behind it then resets the counter and the list ...

Most notifications ("alerts") concern new posts in watched threads, anyway (some of us have just talked about this in another thread), and that can make it pretty long and of little use, especially if there have been several new posts to a thread you watch. It's much easier to just use the "What's new" list and just scroll through that, looking for threads your interested in. That's why I stopped "watching" threads completely. Furthermore, clicking on a listed thread in the "What's new" list will drop you neatly into the thread at the point after which new posts wait for you - that's way more convenient than having to browse through the notifications, however well curated your "Watched threads" list may be. The only way that may be even more convenient is to only watch a very select number of threads, ignore notifications and enter the forum via the "Watched threads" link (you'd need to bookmark that). But I'm not sure if you would enter the threads at the right place ... Maybe worth a try for you.

From what I've experienced, Bill, it works this way:

Upon a fresh visit(Firefox LTSR, Windows 10), you'll see notifications.
I can click the notifier 'bell,' it lists everything new, I right-click or middle-click
each entry to find out the comments or likes, close the new window,
and the list is still there. A refresh erases the notifications as being new.
But I can click on anything listed, go into further pages of said post,
then click my browser's BACK button, and the list remains.

Alternatively, I can click on the word "Watched" at top left when not scrolled down,
and it's all listed statically. I can then browse and open in a new window/frame
as desired. This option is more static than the notification 'bell' at top-right,
I have found.