Hi fellow photo lovers,
I'm not exactly new to Cameraderie. I like the community. It's easygoing, respectful, gentle ... all good feelings 😉
I live in Canada, southern Quebec.
My gear is Nikon mainly, and Fuji.

I would like to start a thread to show the work of renowned photographers whose work I feel is uplifting and inspirational. In different genres : street, landscape, ....
I will probably not comment, or rationalize, because I think many times images are beyond words.
If this thread is accepted in the forum, you will find from time to time links towards the sites of photographers who's work struck me at the moment.

Today : http://www.buzzysullivan.com/
A lot of joy in the pictures of this outstanding photographer (and a lot to learn about depth of field, color and composition)

To day, I'm pleased to share with you a link to the beautiful website of Morton Hilmer.
This nature photographer teaches us so much about the beauty of nature and some techniques to show it.

To day, I'm pleased to share with you a link to the beautiful website of Morton Hilmer.
This nature photographer teaches us so much about the beauty of nature and some techniques to show it.

His Youtube channel is also very enjoyable, even as someone not into wildlife photography.

This photographer has a clear eye for composition. He teaches us a lot about the "color palette", the collection of colors in a picture.

Vaidas, a photographer from Lithuania explores various photography techniques : Pinhole, Solarigraphy, Black and white....

To day, I have to share de site of Julia Kotchetova. I have to, because her story juste moves me. More than just images, she uses poetry, drawings, podcasts ... mixed medias to tell us how the ongoing war in Ukraine became her personal war, and of all Ukrainians like her. Also, we learn how much captions add context and depth to the visual storytelling.
