Documentary Urban Unquiet - Modern Dystopia

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This photograph isn't really dystopia - but rather a sad commentary on the tragic and horrifying legacy of racism in my country which still is not only a 'real' problem - but affects millions of my fellow citizens who still suffer violence, intimidation, and worse...due to the color of their skin. The photo is of a memorial to a young man who was murdered several years ago in a neighboring town by an older man who, supposedly, became enraged when the young man was playing his portable radio too loudly. The young man was African-American, the older attacker was white. The murder weapon, of course, was a gun.

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Statistics indicate that more violence often occurs in impoverished neighborhoods of larger cities, as well as across many of the states which supported the South in America's Civil War in the 19th century and which today are home to large numbers of "election deniers" who parrot the falsehoods of their leader. But the sobering part, for me, is that this killing happened in a small 'liberal' town which prides itself on inclusiveness, and which many consider partially immune from racism. We live in difficult and challenging times, and it is heartening to see that those who lost their lives are still remembered, and honored.
This photograph isn't really dystopia - but rather a sad commentary on the tragic and horrifying legacy of racism in my country which still is not only a 'real' problem - but affects millions of my fellow citizens who still suffer violence, intimidation, and worse...due to the color of their skin. The photo is of a memorial to a young man who was murdered several years ago in a neighboring town by an older man who, supposedly, became enraged when the young man was playing his portable radio too loudly. The young man was African-American, the older attacker was white. The murder weapon, of course, was a gun.

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Statistics indicate that more violence often occurs in impoverished neighborhoods of larger cities, as well as across many of the states which supported the South in America's Civil War in the 19th century and which today are home to large numbers of "election deniers" who parrot the falsehoods of their leader. But the sobering part, for me, is that this killing happened in a small 'liberal' town which prides itself on inclusiveness, and which many consider partially immune from racism. We live in difficult and challenging times, and it is heartening to see that those who lost their lives are still remembered, and honored.
Miguel, that's a tragic commentary on "The home of the brave, and the land of the free." It makes a complete mockery of the plaque at Ellis Island:

{Quote:} Ask people to come up with an image that symbolizes America’s immigrant heritage, and many of them will choose the Statue of Liberty. A gift from the people of France, she has watched over New York Harbor since 1886, and on her base is a tablet inscribed with words penned by Emma Lazarus in 1883:

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
{End quote}

Do the Words on the Statue of Liberty Still Ring True?
› - › media › Documents › ledger › fall2008 › liberty.pdf



The USA was almost there in the late 1970s to 1980, but appears to have gone backwards in racism and social, economic and civil egalitarianism ever since. I personally find that very sad, as a student of politics and psychology, and as a human being ...

I found the story told by our fellow member here, @Walter Palmer , Walter Palmer, both incredibly sad, and incredibly poignant.