What game are you playing or looking forward to play?


When is the next Alien Vs. Predator game coming out?

It's already out 😛
Well, as an oldie on a old game, I got fed up with the very glitchy second hand Far Cry 3 , which is a shame as I was starting to enjoy it, but got tired of being shot, blown up , drowned and eaten by a Tiger , because of the glitches that stopped me from firing the gun or legging it.
I'll go back to Far Cry 2 again and play with a different character, plus I also have an old Alien vs Predator on 360 so I'll try that as well , and hopefully make some headway without getting zapped by the Predators lazer or having my face eaten by the Alien.
Things are not going to get easier fellas, triple AAA games are going to 70 £/€/$ now and there's a new thing called AAAA or so saya Ubisoft about their Skull & Bones that is an utterly financial failure 😃
The one where I try to buy a new camera and my wife doesn't find out 😃
"What? This ol' thing? I've had it for years"

Things are not going to get easier fellas, triple AAA games are going to 70 £/€/$ now and there's a new thing called AAAA or so saya Ubisoft about their Skull & Bones that is an utterly financial failure 😃
I'm pretty sure that the latest iteration of Assassin's Creed will put them in the green again for a good while.

Yeah, the pre-order / edition tiers thing is seriously getting out of hand. That's made sure I never do pre-orders or insta-buy any games.

Played some Co-op in Journey to the Savage Planet Friday, with a buddy.
Also finished the "Hot Garbage" DLC solo over the weekend. Got a 100% on all the exploration goals there.
Hunting for that last plant to scan took a while, as it was under water in the corner of the map somewhere.

Restarted a new game in a randomly-seeded map in 7 Days to Die with a new character. Didn't make it through the first day without getting mauled by friggin' Feral zombies in the middle of the night.
Building my horde base with some planned upgrades in mind, once I unlock robotic turrets and such. Stuff I didn't think off in the previous game.
The new map put me not too far from a decent-sized town and the initial trader. Plenty of iron, rock and nitrate to mine.

For now it's just a matter of building up my survivability, improving my base, doing jobs for the trader. I'm already missing my motorcycle to get around quickly, hopefully I get a bicycle soon.
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Done enough Tier 1 jobs in my new 7 Days to Die adventure for Trader Rekt to award me a bicycle. Sweet!
And I'll probably take him up on opening up a trade route to the next trader. I hope it's Trader Jen!
But there are still plenty of places to loot nearby, so no rush.
I've already strayed into the desert biome for a while, where I gathered a load of Yukka fruit. It doesn't offer much sustenance on its own, but soon I'll be smart enough to make
Yukka juice. Which is great for staying hydrated.

Added the second level to my base, making room for storage boxes and farming plots, and for future upgrades, like a forge, workbench and chemical station.
Surrounded it with a single line of spike traps. Digging a moat around it currently will take forever until I find/craft a better shovel.
The next upgrade I'm working towards is a dew collector. Haven't scavenged enough polymers yet.

This time I'll probably develop the skill tree more towards one specific area instead of trying to become good at everything.

But, my character is currently suffering from an infection and I've not found enough anti-biotics in any form to treat it. So I'll probably die again.

This board game evening we'll be playing Arkham Horror again.
Fate intervened in 7DTD, the next morning the infection had upgraded to "Heavy infection". Poor me!
Luckily the trader had 3 jars of honey available. They would not be enough to cure me completely, but these would reduce infection by a bit over time.
After the first job of the day I was actually rewarded medical anti-biotics, that would help a lot!
And while bicycling around on the way to open the trade route to the next trader, which turned out to be trader Jen, I found more honey.
So I'm well on the way to recovery! huzzah!
Progress one my personal improvement, gear, base are going steadily. Tier 2 jobs are now available too for better rewards.
Zombie-Apocalypse life is good.

In Arkham Horror we fought off Cthugha - The Living Flame and his minions.
The biggest problem we had at one point was that groups of strong monsters were restricting our movement across town.
But we managed to remedy that in a turn or two with violence and spells.
In 2 hours we managed to seal enough gateways to the other worlds, and sent the Old One packing.
More 7DtD progress, I was congratulating myself for reaching level 20 and having completed 16 days without dying.....only to get stuck in a corner in an underground facility beset by Feral Zombies (again with the Feral Zombies) and got gnawed to death.
Only for me to die again trying to save my gear from my fallen corpse. Next attempt I succeeded, but only because I went in spamming pipe bombs.

Don't know what is going on in Helldivers 2 at the moment, after we destroyed the Automatons' Jet Brigade Factories. The Terminid bugs are on a massive offensive and the Meridia black hole readings were off the scale.
I bet the developers are planning something for the anniversary of the release this month.
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Helldivers 2 - "Servants of Freedom" Warbond has been announced for release on February 6th.
It contains some new cosmetics as well as some new weaponry, including a homing grenade and a portable Hellbomb(!)
Guess I got to grind for some more Super Credits in the next few days.

A new 8.5GB update was released today as well. It fixes some bugs and adds some new features, including an Entrenching Tool that allows you to dig for buried Samples (and create trenches! D'uh!)

The Illuminates are apparently using Dark Fluid Technology to move the black hole towards Super Earth. OH NOES! THE DRAMA!!!!

As for tonight's board game, It's going to be one of the younger editions of Robo Rally. With 6 players it will be full on chaos.
I wonder if anyone will actually reach the finish line before the end of the evening.
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Nobody made it to the finish line in Robo Rally last Tuesday.
I had already accrued six spam cards in my programming deck before the end of the first round. But I did manage to keep Twonky Bot out of any pits or laser beams until we were a few rounds in. Which was a small achievement for me.
With everybody crowding round the first way point, the damage card decks with Spam, Virus Trojan Horse, and Worm Cards were soon depleted and rarely were restocked for very long. All because of the amount of laser hits people were dealing to other players over the turns. I find this one of the biggest design flaws in the game, together with how initiative is determined.
Basically it means that all the good upgrade cards will be gone by the time its your turn during the upgrade phases, depending on where your bot is located on the board in relation to the start position

I was unlucky to start as the last player in the pecking order so I did not get any good stuff, and that continued for most of the game.
I was the second to last to hit the first way point. And 4 of us never even made it to the second way point before we ran out of time to play.
With all the damage cards in the movement decks it was nearly impossible to program any straight forward path to where you wanted to go, combined with laser fire from other bots and board elements restricting movement, it was really REALLY frustrating.

Apparently it's not a good game if there aren't at least two people screaming in frustration.
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I finally finished Half Life 2 with the new developer commentary on the Steam Deck. It's just a fantastic game, even though I remain atrocious at aiming with the controller, and the Deck's screen remains a bit too small for comfort. The developer commentary was a nice distraction, but didn't contain too much insight really. Perhaps because it was all recorded so many years after the original release. Regardless, it's a fantastic game, even on this third playthrough.

Remember how in Half Life 2, every box and crate and table etc is movable and destroyable? It felt like the future back then, and strangely, it still does, as today's games are just as static and lifeless as Half Life's contemporaries back then. Sad, really.