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Which cameras have IBSC?

I know the Olympus, Panasonic and Nikon which have IBIS also have IBSC. I think they go a little hand in hand, maybe all cameras with IBIS have some sort of sensor cleaning. On Oly/Panny it works very well and I have never experienced any dust on sensor after many years of usage.
My understanding is purely theoretical, so bear that in mind. That said, in the Nikon Z system it is my understanding that they make use of both IBIS and lens VR for lenses that have a VR function, and you have to run both or neither as they cannot be individually enabled or disabled. As Nikon has implemented things when a lens has a VR switch that switch controls both the VR and the camera's IBIS. When a lens does not have a VR switch IBIS is enabled and disabled through the menu. Say I put the camera on a tripod and switched off the VR, the IBIS would be automatically disabled. If the lens is like all of mine and doesn't have VR 😱 I'd probably have it either assigned to a slot on "My Menu" or a custom button function as that is the usual Nikon way of doing those things 🙂
But in that area things are about to change, I think Panasonic was first to implement "Dual IS", then came Olympus and made something similar. They use both in-lens and IBIS in cooperation. Panasonic said longer lenses benefit more from in-lens stabilisation and shorter lenses are better with IBIS. But if both works simultaneously it is best 🙂 I think other brands are coming with such functionality also, if they don't have already 🙂
But in that area things are about to change, I think Panasonic was first to implement "Dual IS", then came Olympus and made something similar. They use both in-lens and IBIS in cooperation. Panasonic said longer lenses benefit more from in-lens stabilisation and shorter lenses are better with IBIS. But if both works simultaneously it is best 🙂 I think other brands are coming with such functionality also, if they don't have already 🙂
The sync-IS of my E-M1 MkII plus 12-100 is spooky good ...