Animals "Wild animals in the wild"

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Wallaby discovered the bounty on the ground under the apple tree that the parrots left for her. Every summer we have a swamp wallaby regularly visiting this tree, and I'm happy to see the fruit not go to waste.

Photo taken from inside the house so she wasn't spooked.

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Beautiful shot and creature, Melanie.

Hope you're not being affected by the bushfires out your way.
A group of wild mustangs along the Salt River near Mesa, AZ. These animals are descendants of the horses the Spanish Conquistadors brought over in the 1600s when they were exploring present day Arizona and New Mexico. You can view a blog post here where you can see the Salt River horses today.
View attachment 525026
This image has a beautiful "painterly" quality to it. Would you mind sharing some details of how you managed this?

Thank you